There has been an alarming uptick in murders over the past couple of months and as always there are voices giving causes and solutions and the political voices are nor least among them. One side seems content to let the other stew because this is not their "watch",but that does not change the fact that they are equally at fault for what is happening.
Sounds like a serious charge doesn't it? However, if they are both to blame, a presumption can be made that they can correct or bring remedy if they really want to. I make this charge upon the fact that there is not an agency of the Government in this nation that has not been infected by "politicism". Every five years, even if there is not a change in Government there are changes that undermine the efficiencies of the various agencies. The Police Force may be the one that is hardest hit, by the "now you're in, now you're out" game that is more like musical chairs.
How can Education, Health, Police and Defense Force, the Judiciary and other entities develop as credible and efficient bodies if the politicians are allowed to do this nonsense every time there is a change in Administration. I applaud what the Attorney General had to say last week but if "Politicians" can't agree on what is priority for proper governance the A.G. and the Prime Minister are just blowing smoke at a time when they are not on the Campaign trail.
The fabric of society and culture has been negatively impacted by the shortsightedness of leaders who cannot see beyond their allegiance to their supporters, they seem blind to the reality that policing, education and the rule of law must be seen as models of stability.
How many persons have to be retired and rehired before these "learned men" understand that this is not making any sense.
Edward Hutcheson