I’m not too sure, but it appears to this simple soul that the Prime Minister, the Minister of Economic Affairs and other government officials are of the opinion that we, the general public, are as thick as two short planks.
They appear surprised that there has been a quite substantial increase in VAT income notwithstanding the 2% reduction in that accursed tax.
Of course they very conveniently totally forget that daily and weekly purchases of foodstuffs now incur 10% VAT.
Now let us take some simple figures:
Say I was purchasing $500.00 per month of articles bearing 12% VAT equaling $60.00 that VAT figure is now $50.00 a saving of $10.00; however the $100.00 per week I spend for foodstuffs had no VAT prior to year’s end but now would cost $10.00 per week VAT, or approximately $40.00 per month.
Excuse Mr. Prime Minister, I’m saving what??
Yours forever in total wonderment,
Harry Strachan