A little more motoring stupidity.
Ladies and Gentlemen, something to keep you occupied while waiting in a parking lot for your other half to return from the store.
Check around the other cars parked and see just how many cars are there missing wheel nuts, you know those fairly important bolts that hold the wheel and tyre to your car.
I am quite confidant that you will see a quite large percentage of cars missing at least one nut per wheel per car. Apparently Road Traffic Department does not consider this a danger to other road users; excuse me, if the car manufacturer considers 4. 5 or 6 studs per wheel is safe and puts a nut to every stud then, surely, the only safe way to drive is every stud with its own nut.
I propose that Road Traffic Department maintain a supply of wheel nuts and every car presented that is missing nuts pay a nominal sum for each missing nut, any driver refusing to pay for his/her missing nuts then is denied a pass certificate.
Just trying to keep our roads safe.
Harry Strachan