There is a “connectivity” to issues and events that is often overlooked in this age of instant access and soundbites. I will admit it is much easier to deal with an issue that has the public’s attention but there is something to be gained by looking at the “bigger picture”, even offering views or conjectures that some would find odd or disturbing; especially in an age of “moral evolution”. I had taken a hiatus from writing just to focus on this issue and am very happy to say that I am grateful that I did. However, I did not expect the reaction to a possible Buju Banton concert would be the vehicle to drive me out of my self-imposed situation.
On the face of it, it looks like much ado about nothing, but if we would look deeper, we can see layers of hypocrisy being revealed on every side of this “discussion”. On one side we have the local LGBT communities’ local “spokesbeing”,”Ms”.Erin Greene making it clear that the territorial boundaries are in place; she must have done a good job as we have the concert representatives making contact with her to assure her that there will be nothing done at the concert that is going to insult the “dignity” of the local LGBT community. At the other end you have the Christian Community that has been silent. One group is making sure that no one is insulted and the other may jump into action if there is an insult. If you have seen any footage of previous local concerts of this nature, and viewed the “goings on”, you would have to ask the question if there is anything left to be insulted about. The same people doing all of the “shaking up” and even playing in some of the bands, somehow still find their way into Church on Sunday morning, around the pulpit and in the pews.
Where does that leave all of us sanctified folk? In a very puzzling place. We have accepted a lot of the behavior that would have been questionable three decades ago, as “normal”, and, it is at this juncture that I take a shot at the issues of connectivity. In the past I would have taken a shot at the obvious villains in this drama, but the “connectivity” that I mentioned does not allow for that.
In the book of Romans 1:18-25, there is a list of “indiscretions” that includes all forms of human sin and behaviors. Fornicators, adulterers, thieves, homosexuals, ungodly types, idolaters, etc;etc;etc. The only “difference” in the listing may be the modern view of homosexuality. All of the other “sins” still find condemnation within a Biblical framework that is accepted and understood, while homosexuality has been taken out of the list and presented as an preferential option with its’ limits and penalties defined exclusively by the powers that be that support it in the name of “equality”. However, all of the fault cannot be placed at the feet of the LGBT movement, they have done what any humanistic group seeing an opportunity to get some power do; the premise of what they are seeking to accomplished is as eternally flawed as any other group wanting to make the best of an opportunity at the expense of common sense and morality, but that is another letter.
Here is the other side. The local Christian community has a penchant for silence. I remember a decade or two ago you could have counted on the a word or two from the Christian Council especially, if there was an FNM administration in place, but the politicians have gotten wise; they now spread the appointments over the entire political spectrum. If the fellows are sitting down to eat together, and accepting the same invitations and perks, they are not going to find much to say against each other or against anything; except an occasional one dimensional outburst to let us know they still exist.
There is a “new” mantra from a song released a couple of years ago, “ there ain’t no good guys, there ain’t no bad guys, there is only you and me and we just disagree”, but the present context of expressing those disagreements that keep a populace informed has little to offer. We find ourselves being spectators to what were once “opposing forces” doing a politically convenient Kumbya of sorts.
I will close with two illustrations. About two years ago the present administration caused a bit of an uproar, when they made demands regarding the financial records of Non Profit Organizations, namely Churches. After a series of meetings, the matter was resolved and at one point in the discussion the Attorney General offered a carrot of sorts to the Christian Council, making a suggestion that the Bahamas Christian Council could be a clearing house for all of the NGO’s in the country, and those coming in. The possible revenue stream that would have created was very enticing, and that “suggestion” kept the BCC on its best behavior for almost two years, until the Attorney General tabled the NGO legislation in the House without any “consultation”. It must have caused some problems because that legislation had been placed on “hold”. The good thing about that is that the BCC may be finding its voice again
At the other end of the “religious spectrum” we have the Anglican Church who seems to have formed an alliance with the American Episcopal Church, by their acceptance into the pulpit of the “National Cathedral” of a Cleric who is an advocate of Same-Sex marriage and who ardently supports the LGBT agenda. I saw his preaching at the Cathedral as one of those moments that could have been accompanied by a tidal wave, earthquake or natural catastrophe; one of those abomination of the desolation experiences and nobody said nothing. I spoke to one of the local Bishops who was at the forefront of this battle more than a decade ago and he placed the activity under the heading of “ecumenical hospitality”.
I really wanted to take a shot at Erin Greene and her uncalled for antics. She knows full well of the “understanding” that Buju Banton has with the LGBT community regarding what he will sing and what he will not sing, but I guess she could not resist the opportunity to do what she does so well, but we must remember that the incursion of what is not a part of the Bahamian culture has often been facilitated by the complicity of some politicians and some Church leaders who have a penchant for crossing any line, social or political when it is in their best interest with no regard for what they pledged to do when elected or appointed. If I throw a rock at Erin Greene.. … … … ..
Until those who are appointed do what they have to do as servants of his nation, the “outcries” against what some see as unacceptable will have no hearing in the ears of those listening for solutions for this nations many problems.
Edward Hutcheson
January 24, 2019
The views expressed are those of the author, and not necessarily those of Weblog Bahamas (which has no corporate view).