Prior to the 1960's we were individually responsible for our own conduct.. Our values were based on family support, educational advancement and a strong religious foundation.. Individual respect was earned through achievement and not given away for political cronyism.. Our schools taught us intellectual betterment and our churches gave us spiritual support and guidance.. Family, school and church was the foundation of the Bahamian community, a community which gave us a sense of being and belonging together..
Since the 1960's both the Bahamas, the United States and other western nations of the world have undergone a dramatic social transformation emphasizing social collectivization and demeaning social individualism and self-sufficiency.. Over this time frame, traditional social values, which were cohesive and held the community together, began to change resulting in an erosion and decline in our traditional moral, cultural and spiritual values.. Society became transformed and divided as tolerance for differences of opinion became unacceptable..
Today, the once virtuous family unit is tragically falling apart, education emphasizes a lesser level of learning achievement and church attendance is down as it caters more to the collection plate and less to human salvation and righteousness of mankind..
What the future holds is very uncertain as our government oppresses individualism and has become nothing more than than a collective force of power and control over the people..
Today, the nation's Infrastructure is broken down and may be beyond repair.. Our hospital has become a de facto home for the homeless.. Our tax system is both unfair and corrupt, and has become a driver for increased poverty and crime as the nation's oppressed and downtrodden have no choices..
Our government today is debt ridden, our debt has junk status and our retirement funds are in many cases nothing more than unfunded liabilities.. We are not only economically broke but we are socially broke as well..
What perhaps is needed today is a new Moral Rearmament spearheaded by churches, schools and supported by the people as a whole.. Its time for selfish party politicians to become National Statesmen and standup for the Bahamian nation and the unity and development of the Bahamian people.. We must restore national pride and regain our international integrity.. Individual respect for each other must come from our hearts and not our conflicting minds..
Government must become financially responsible leading the way for individual responsibility.. We must reject social fragmentation by all of us joining hands together and again become a cohesive community united under the guidance spirit of God.. Our national hope must become our national salvation..