Immoral and God threatening, this government only is motivated by party greed and self interest.. Be damned the country's National Interest, the real interest and will of the Bahamian people, who have been tossed by the PLP tyrants upon the Bahamian junk pile of self ruination, the irrecoverable state of devastation and destruction.. Five years of economic depravity and failure and the Bahamian "all for me baby" culture of these Petty Lousy Parasites is enough.. Throws the bums out, "Its the People's Time" to sweep out the House of Assembly, flush the PLP toilet and spray the House with Lysol to kill off the political viruses that have all but destroyed our once proud nation..
Our very existence as a free and independent, sovereign nation is at stake and on the chopping block.. Strike down the PLP murderous axe of autocratic tyranny, and in its place usher in a new era of economic, understanding, growth and prudence.. Time for the people to break the iron shackles of imposed serfdom and proclaim that we are a free people, the Bahamian people marching onward in liberty toward good governance and the reestablishment of Bahamian integrity and national self respect.. The politics of Crime, Corruption and Cronyism will no longer be tolerated, and those guilty of such corrupted actions and transgressions , past and present, will held fully accountable under law, prosecuted and punished for their crimes of abuse against the State.. The people have spoken and now "It's the People's Time" to vote for change to save the country we always profess to love and respect..
May God's Grace and his Eternal Forgiveness be upon us as we the Bahamian people march forth to election victory over the forces of political evil, human indignity and targeted victimization.. This government has ignored the people's will in the last two political referendums, but this time they cannot ignore the people's judgment to vote them out.. Truth, Trust and Justice shall prevail.. Virtue and integrity must triumph over contempt and evil.. "It's the Peoples Time" to take back their government..
A new birth and beginning shall be forthcoming for all peoples of our Bahamian nation.. As a newly united country, we again shall prevail in triumph and victory.. Again we will speak with joy, exuberance and pride when we once again can say phrases like, "My Bahamas" and "I'm from the Bahamas" as people smile and reply, I've been there; what a wonder and beautiful country you come from.. This unique and special feeling we shall experience once again, maybe with tears in our eyes, as we again feel that glorious sense of our national pride in the country we love so dear and which we call our God given island home..
The views expressed are those of the author, and not necessarily those of the WeblogBahamas (which has no corporate view).