With the debacle of the advance polls yesterday for the upcoming elections on May 10, 2017, the Civil Servants that will work the polls have their work cut out for them on polling day.
Some of the issues surfacing today were:
First of all voting could not start until 10am because of the apparent ineptitude of the Parliamentary Commissioner and his office.
Second, people were apparently turned away with legitimate voters cards that apparently were not on the register.
Third, people had to leave the country without voting because of the delays and slowness of the process yesterday.
If the problems experienced yesterday are evident during election day there are concerns that violence could erupt.
There is also the theory that the Government wants these issues or they would not have left (Rev) Hall as Parliamentary Commissioner.
With a week remaining before polling day the Prime Minister needs to get a handle on this if he truly believes in the democratic process. For a start, a number of competent Civil Servants need to be seconded to the Parliamentary Registration office immediately to help sort out as many of the errors in the Register of Voters as possible before election day.
Yesterday was absolute chaos and a National embarrassment.
In the meantime let me suggest a moment of silence for our country and hope that cooler heads prevail.