We’re told that Dr Hubert Minnis “castigated” the Government because they don’t have a ”contingency plan to protect the interests of local contractors who are collectively owed millions of dollars for work performed on Baha Mar.”
Excuse me?
When did this become Governments responsibility?
This is a most regrettable and difficult situation for the contractors to be sure, but how on earth does their business transaction that might result in huge losses for many people become the the responsibility of the taxpayer?
The leader of the Opposition should withdraw his comments immediately. This is nothing more than unadulterated political rhetoric.
Comments like these, whether in relation to the current discussion about severance pay, pensions or credit arrangements that have gone sour are simply none of the government’s business. Nor can the taxpayer afford them.
Spare us this death of the country by a thousand cuts please Dr. Minnis, there are more substantive issues to get your voters riled up about.
Share some ideas on policies that will encourage entrepreneurship and investment by private people instead of encouraging cronyism and an ever increasing welfare state.