Rick Lowe
As political speeches go, Mr. Ingraham, Prime Minister of The Bahamas, made an excellent presentation on crime, and steps his government will take in an attempt to get some control, on Monday evening of this week. Read it here…
I think he struck the right chord regarding volunteerism and the fact that this is a cross sector problem and will only be resolved with a community wide effort.
Maybe we should expect it now, but instead of offering constructive criticism on such a vital matter, - that is not an FNM, PLP or DNA problem, but a Bahamian one, - Mr. Branville McCartney had a very shallow response published in The Punch yesterday. Read his party's recommendations from some time back here…
I have not had time to read the PLP's response yet, so here's hoping it will be deeper than what seems to be the norm these days.
And I have not seen a response from the church groups yet, other than a sound bite from Rev Simeon Hall, but that should be an interesting read.
None us have the perfect answers, and it's easy to point fingers, but in this case I think Mr. Ingraham is closer than the responses seen to date.
Let's hope that on this issue, if no other, the politico's can prove that they are adults concerned about ridding our country of crime instead of their political ambitions.
There are many other areas they can grandstand on, but this should not be one.
In the final, we're all to blame for the crime.