Rick Lowe
Mr. Perry Christie, leader of the opposition PLP took to the airwaves last night to tell the nation what his party would do, if elected, to fight crime. See more here… and here…
He said they would:
- Flood the streets with Police.
- Implement gun control measures like increased Defence Force patrols.
- Create more criminal trial courts, cases with weapons charges to be tried in the Supreme Court.
- Establish a special unit of the Supreme Court for Death Penalty cases.
- Strengthen the witness protection program.
- Work with US law enforcement to implement a team of highly trained outreach workers to prevent crime.
- Encourage business.
- Bring in new investment.
- Double education spending and offer more technical and vocational training.
- A mentorship program, and,
- Urban Renewal 2.0
I must applaud the PLP for at least making reasonable suggestions, instead of the usual rhetoric they're so good at (although there is the usual symbolism over substance aspect).
The devil is in the details of course, and Mr. Christie is traditionally short on those.
To state spending on education will double without details just seems like sensationalism to me.
Why establish another baby sitting service like Urban Renewal. Why not keep kids in school until their parents collect them after work in the evening? That way they can be helped with their homework et al and this solves a couple problems.
The danger is governments tend to over step their bounds where rights are concerned in times of trouble and can create a Police state. This aspect needs close scrutiny.
But, finally, it's good to see the Official Opposition offer some reasoned discussion even if some of it is old hat and unsuccessful.