Rick Lowe
This was posted this last night (Wednesday, August 24, 2011) before the electricity went off permanently.
As we sit in Nassau, New Providence in little more than rain and a nice breeze at 8:20pm, our fellow Bahamians and residents in the Southern islands are catching quite a blow.
It will be at least a day or two before a complete picture of the damage starts to unfold as the city will be under severe weather.
We also hope the Northern islands come through okay, but this looks like wishful thinking at this point.
If Nassau can come through relatively unscathed that will be the best case scenario for the country as supplies can be rushed out to the other islands from here.
The photo below is the 8:00pm report from www.stormpulse.com along with the other details of the storm below it.
Not looking pretty.
In the mean time, stay safe Bahamas.