by Jerome Pinder
Quite a lot has been said about the New Providence Road Improvement Project. We have gone from law suits, appeals, protest, loss of business, layoffs, etc.....
I fully understand that the capital works underway are a necessity. No argument here. However, there must be a better way to manage this process. As they say, a picture is worth a thousand words. Below is a picture of current works under way on a commercial roadway in New Providence:
Now please tell me how the Government of the Bahamas expects a Business to stay in operation, pay their taxes, and keep Bahamians employed in what is an already difficult economic environment, when the above is the roadway to their establishment?? And this is only one example.
I guess it is not possible for us to complete the works on one side of the roadway at a time? And what about other issues:
- Numerous roadways under improvement at once with no end in site!
- The workers at certain times of the day block off access completely, although local access should be available!
- Some of the senior workers on site can't speak a lick of English!
- Have we laid extra conduit underground to prevent the roads being trenched after completion!
If this is how the Government oversaw the management and implementation of this project, it is no surprise that they are out to lunch when it comes to crime. Do any of our elected leaders understand how to run a business and appreciate the high cost of operating a business in this Country?
Perhaps a Ministry of National Stupidity would be appropriate? The portfolio can start with roads and crime. Any suggestions on who should be the new Minister?