Sidney Sweeting, DDS
On May 12, 2011 Rick Lowe wrote an eloquent tribute to a great Bahamian, Jackson Burnside, who passed away on May 11, 2011 and to quote from that article "he leaves a legacy that will not be surpassed."
It has been suggested from some quarters that, as there is talk (again) of developing the Montagu foreshore into a park, that it be named the Jackson Burnside Park.
Ft. Montagu has its own history and surely, rather than this knee-jerk reaction to quickly name something, anything, in honor of one of our great Bahamians let us think more of something that will be a fitting tribute. In this case a cultural centre would surely be more appropriate than a Park that would sooner or later be a site for cookouts and be covered with garbage every weekend.
Please, in the case of such a truly great Bahamian, let us do it right.