Sidney Sweeting, DDS
Republican State Representative Rex Duncan of Oklahoma is pushing for a law to prevent Sharia law from being allowed in his state in any aspect of government or the judiciary. He feels confident of getting the law passed and is hoping that is will kick start the same opposition in other states.
About three years ago the Prime Minister of Australia told the Muslims living in Australia that they were welcome to live there if they accepted the laws of Australia. If they were not prepared to do that then they should leave.
Great Britain has been brought to its knees by carrying the idea oi democracy too far and allowed the Muslims to assimilate into their court system and gain power to the point that they are virtually destroying the moral and social fabric of the country.
It is frightening to learn of the number of banks that have become Sharia compliant in order to attract the money available by doing so. The question then arises that if these banks accept the billions of dollars available for investment and the investors suddenly one day decide to remove these billions (trillions?) what sort of catastrophe will result?
I have been reliably informed that it is affecting the Bahamas already, causing some investment firms to be told what kind of investments they can accept.
The hour is late and the Western world needs more Rex Duncan's and PM's of Australia to step up before we wake up one day and find that it is too late and we are living under Sharia Law.