by Jerome Pinder
The Tribune's headline on Friday May 14th was the following: "Brawl outside murder court." Once again tempers flared between the family members of the victim and the accused. Another scum bag brought before the courts for intentionally causing the death of another. We have seen many cases of frustrated family members, who have taken to Bank Lane to show their frustration over the lack of justice in this Town.
You will read it now in this blog, should the Government continue to fail in their duty to protect the Bahamian people and ensure that justice is served, someone will be killed on Bank Lane. We are proceeding down the road where people are pushed to the point of taking justice into their own hands.
As if this headline was not enough, Saturday's Tribune had the following: "Police issue car theft alert." So thanks to the police statement, we once again realize that car thefts are out of control on this island. Obviously, corruption is the problem, as there is no excuse for not being able to crack this problem in such a small nation.
But how embarrassing for ASP Butler to tell us that we should "Take extra precautions, even if you have to take your battery out at night or put alarms in place." Just when you think you have heard it all, the police telling me that after getting home from a long day, I need to stop and take my battery out and then wake up and reconnect it in the morning. What side of the fence am I on? Why the hell are we not issuing warnings to the criminals? I am now being advised to take out my battery, because we can't deal with this problem. If things were not so serious, I would think this alert was some joke!
Start putting these car thieves away for a very long time to set an example. But yet again the criminals are getting away with murder, and we the innocent need to place further barricades around our lives.
It is amazing to me that we have a Prime Minister who drives around town and the minute he sees something he does not like, he can rush to Parliament with legislation to correct the problem. Yet crime is all around us and the Government is spineless to deal with the criminals. To the point where the Police Force has to embarrass itself and issue the innocent public a warning, rather than the other way around.
By the way has anybody heard from or seen the Commissioner of Police Mr. Greenslade or Assistant Commissioner Mr. Dames? It appears that Mr. Hulan Hanna is now running the force.