Sidney Sweeting, DDS. (
Every day the Press reports a litany of complaints about our country and the constant question is "Why does Government not do something about all these problems?" Now we learn from the Tribune today that Prime Minister Ingraham has responded to a suggestion by ex-Premier from Turks, Michael Misick that the Bahamas consider a federation between the Bahamas and Turks and Caicos. Please note that our PM is responding to a suggestion made by the ex-Premeir of Turks and Caicos who was forced to resign because of allegations of corruption, resulting in Britain suspending their constitution for two years.
Is it possible that the good people of Turks and Caicos have a grand plan for solving our rampant crime problem that our own police and court system cannot handle?
Is it possible that their school system proudly reports annual grades considerably better than a D and they can show us how this is done.
Perhaps their people would have a solution for the awful condition of our highways and byways and can fix the air conditioners in our post office so customers can pick up their mail and pay their bills in the afternoons.
And hopefully, finally, they can get our traffic lights working.
If they can accomplish all these things for us, and more, then it might be worth all the effort to form a federation with our neighbours to the south.
Just a minute however, we would first need to have the idea proposed by someone in authority in Turks and Caicos, like maybe Great Britain or the temporary Governor, not by an ex-Premier who is living under a cloud of suspicion and could possibly be living some later years "at the pleasure of Her Majesty."