by Rick Lowe (
The Bahamas is facing its worst recession in many years with businesses having to down size and families having to cut back where ever possible to make ends meet.
Rumour has it that cash flow is hard to come by for the government, leading to cut backs in some interesting places, yet the country opens a consulate office in Atlanta, Georgia.
According to the Bahamas Information Services, the fanfare was wonderful. It appears that no expense was spared. Politicos were flown in along with The Grand Bahama Youth Choir and the Royal Bahamas Police Force Bands (Pop and Marching) to entertain the crowd.
I'm sorry, but I'd be willing to bet dollars to donuts that this expenditure cannot be justified, particularly during these tough economic times.
The former government in its ultimate wisdom opened an Embassy in Cuba, at tremendous expense, at a time when they had already strained relations with our largest trading partner, and now this government opens a representative office, at significant expense, when the country is suffering under the toughest economic times in decades.
I realise that governments think not raising a budget for expenditure is saving money, but what could the Bahamas Government be thinking?
The government at least owes the Bahamian people a detailed report of their reasons for this office, along with an accounting of how they spent taxpayer money.