by Rick Lowe ( According to the US National Debt Clock, each citizen in America owes about $192,000. Frightening indeed.
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by Rick Lowe ( John Goodman president and CEO of the National Center for PolicyAnalysis (NCPA) has been slogging at the health care debate for many years now. If you care to read what he has to say, he offers lots of food for thought that we be useful to...
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Tibor R. Machan ( "Whatever bad deeds were committed were done by people long dead, so I say drop all this already. What matters, especially in America, is the kind of human individual you are, what you have chosen to believe and do in your life, not what your parents...
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by Rick Lowe I've always enjoyed Murray McLaughlan's country/rock music. We saw him live at what was known as Ontario Place in the late 1970's in Toronto and he was excellent live. Incidentally we saw King Eric and His Knights at Ontario Place and the Hook and Ladder Club in...
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by Rick Lowe ( I'm sorry, I couldn't resist posting this cynical e-mail sent to me by a couple different people. Enjoy. Let's get this straight We're (the US) going to pass a health care plan written by a committee whose head says he doesn't understand it, passed by a...
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Sidney Sweeting, DDS ( For the third year in a row our main post office (at least that one) closes for the adternon during the summer, because "they are having problems with their air conditioners." Are we to presume that there is no air conditioning company in the Bahamas that...
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by Rick Lowe "There are four ways in which you can spend money. You can spend your own money on yourself. When you do that, why then you really watch out what you’re doing, and you try to get the most for your money. Then you can spend your own...
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by Tibor R. Machan If you object to having your liberty and property taken by the majority, some political theorists object claiming that democracy is precisely for such a purpose. But that is not so. In a free society the purpose of democracy amounts to authorizing some people who have...
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by Rick Lowe Whenever I come back form a holiday it's fun to read through the newspapers that arrived in my absence, but The Tribune of Wednesday, August 12, 2009, left me feeling a little cold for two reasons. 1. Mrs. Gibson, PLP Senator, reported that "In less than six...
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