by Rick Lowe
In recent weeks the Loyal Opposition in The Bahamas, the Progressive Liberal Party has been on a rapid decline.
First they lost the last Election Court case they had filed in relation to the Pleasant Bridgewater vs Zhivargo Laing.
Second, one of their former members come Independent Member of Parliament, defected to the ruling governing Free National Movement.
And third, Ms. Pleasant Bridgewater resigned her Senate post as a result of John Travolta's allegations of extortion surrounding the recent death of his son Jett in Freeport, Grand Bahama, where Ms. Bridgewater is a practicing lawyer.
To top it off, there are rumours of more possible defections from the PLP's ranks, not to mention the apparent in fighting among the party's so called leaders.
Mr. Perry Christie, former Prime Minister and leader of the PLP must feel as if he has walked into a hornets nest. He's already under attack from inside and outside the PLP for the election lost under his watch and now he's faced with what appears to be a political party about to go the way of the Dodo bird.
But before we get that warm and fuzzy feeling that the PLP deserve all this, we should consider our Constitution and the important role of the Opposition to our democracy.
What do you think?