From time to time I read Bahamas Uncensored, a web site that could be written by PLP Member of Parliament Fred Mitchell, and while the tone is often derogatory in the extreme, in recent months it has been over the edge.
In their sardonic editorial of Sunday, October 21, 2007 the following paragraph:
For the Progressive Liberal Party it is one of life’s ironies that it finds itself having done all that it could, for all that it could and being turned out of office as a reward. The PLP sits on the Opposition benches and finds a wicked task master simply setting out with one direct and swift agenda and that is to dismantle and ruin everything that the PLP put in place to further build this nation. Hubert Ingraham, the Prime Minister is about whom we speak. He has that one task: destroy everything in sight that is PLP.
Does this sound reasonable? Of course they then go on about race issues etc, but the following paragraph is the kicker, at least to me:
We have reached the spot where everything seems to be on the verge of a breakdown. The roads, the parks, the garbage, the phones, the airport, the national airline, the Grand Bahama Port Authority, the Courts, the press, the Government. It seems so fragile. Yet the solution seems so clear. We have to impose some discipline upon ourselves. But who will start, and what does the discipline mean?
I'm left to wonder how the country could be in such bad condition after Mr. Ingraham and the FNM only assumed office in May. Just five short months ago.
To make such a statement means that the "roads, the parks, the garbage, the phones, the airport, the national airline, the Grand Bahama Port Authority, the Courts, the press, the Government" must have been left in excellent condition by the PLP. Right?
Now that is one heck of a leap and shows how narcissism eats away at a persons soul and pushes them over the edge.
Is there any wonder the country seems in disarray?
A sad commentary indeed.