by John Farmer
What is it with doctors in this country who imagine that the only worthwhile time is their own? Having made an appointment two weeks ago for 2:45, I left at 3:20, advising the receptionist that I had reached my waiting limit. (Actually, my limit was 30 minutes, but I had to wait another 5 minutes for receptionist to return from the bowels of the building to advise her I was leaving, extending a courtesy that was not afforded me).
“Oh I’m so sorry!” (Really?) “Doctor had an emergency” (Right!)
As I pointed out, I could have been advised beforehand doctor was running late – if you can call to remind me of an appointment, why can you not call to tell me there is a delay? Or even advise me when I presented myself promptly 5 minutes before the appointed hour? It is this complete lack of respect for other people’s time that really burns me up.
Certainly in my business, if I cannot make a scheduled appointment, I do call beforehand and advise; it is simply good manners not to mention good business practice. Can you imagine going into any other service business and wait around for 30 minutes to get served??? No you would not, so why put up with that behaviour from tin gods who think their time is sacrosanct?
And they wonder why we end up going to Florida for treatment. Earth to Bahamian doctors – it is because in Florida they do not jerk you around and waste your time.
People, it is time to vote with your feet.